Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bouquet Toss

So we just got back from a wedding and of course got to the bouquet toss. The DJ asked that all single ladies hit the floor to catch it an of course single ladies, married ladies, single guys and married all come to the floor. A cute teenager caught it and had a few shrieks of excitement then literally "tossed" the bouquet on a table to continue dancing with her friends.

Did you ever wonder what the tossing of tossing of the bouquet really symbolizes?

The tradition of the bride throwing the bouquet is said to have started in 14th century England. The guests, thinking a piece of the bride's clothing would bring good luck, would grab at her fight for pieces of the bride's clothing, flowers, or headpiece to share in the good fortune.Another version is in France in the 1300's the bride tossed her bouquet before she left on her honeymoon. The tradition began with the bride tossing a garter or stocking. The bouquet symbolised a bride's good fortune being passed to the maiden who caught it.The bouquet toss has come to symbolize a wish for good luck from the bride to the single women guests at the wedding, and is believed to be the next to marry.

So next time you go to a wedding and are ready to catch that bouquet, remember that it represents good luck to you. Hold on to it for a while, it might just mean you finding your true love.

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